Got bored so i tried to design my name "chris" so the "ch" is an exact reflection of the "ris." Not sure why it ended up lookin like a demon with goofy ears, but oh well.
Made this a stencil, without the text. Still looks pretty cool. I also screened printed this on a shirt, which came out pretty well. Oh and the template i used for the suit came from a scene in Fight Club.
The original image by Scott Kim is basically this image minus the word "similar." Mine definitely doesn't look exactly like his because I made it free hand. But I like it overall even though Ipretty much stole Mr. Kim's work, but i just figured it'd look a little better if a third word was added to this optical illusion in the negative space.
While walking in an average hallway at school today, I locked eyes with this pretty girl walking towards me...So I naturally whipped out my phone to check my imaginary text message. When will girls realize this gesture is code for "Hey, whats up? You're hot"?
It's so weird that everytime I see a wall with a sign that says "Wet Paint" I just have to...piss on it